The Confidence Clinic

Do you approach every presentation with complete assurance?
Are your listeners convinced that you have command of your subject?
Is your enthusiasm contagious?

Without question your listeners equate confidence and credibility. The more confident you are, the more credible you are.

Can confidence be learned? Or is it something you are born with?

For most presenters, the lasting impact of confidence is overlooked. Instead, a premium is placed on scrutinizing content, leaving confidence to chance.

If you are guilty of this, your executive conversation and presentations likely lack the level of confidence necessary to inspire your listener to act.

What if there was a systematic approach to presenting with poise and presence?

What if there was a guaranteed way to establish credibility and earn the respect of your audience?

Welcome to the Confidence Clinic!

The Confidence Clinic is a strategic and sequential methodology that analyzes the qualities of confident presenters. It provides you with a roadmap for maintaining self and audience control. In the clinic, you will learn to authentically navigate fears and objections while capitalizing on your strengths.

The Confidence Clinic is customizable to meet client needs up to eight hours. Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Use body language to project confidence
  • Approach and overcome objections with ease.
  • Represent their personal and organizational interest with style and grace.

The Confidence Clinic analyzes each presenter to identify their source of originality and independence. Directional recommendations are then made in alignment with the presenter’s goals. The main objective help the presenter speak with confidence.

Benefits to the presenters:

  • Set realistic expectations for self and audience.
  • Present with steadiness and composure.
  • Earn credibility with the audience.

Benefits to the organization:

  • Competent spokesperson
  • Establish/solidify reputation as an industry expert
  • Generate new business